STC BSCC Approved Courses
Innovation in Juvenile Corrections
Individuals responsible for the supervision of juveniles will identify hobbies and activities they are passionate about and will learn how to transfer those passions into meaningful engagement activities for juveniles that will positively contribute to youth rehabilitation.
Course Objectives. Participants will:
Create a framework for developing a systemic ward engagement program that can be presented to administrators and supervisors for approval.
Develop metrics to evaluate program outcomes.
The Cross-generational Workplace: From Baby Boomers to Millennials
This 4-hour course will increase participants’ awareness of the strengths and needs of different generational and personality types in the workplace. Participants will engage in a variety of fun and interactive learning activities that explore effective strategies for working with Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and Millennials. They will engage in introspective inquiry activities into their personality types, their strengths, and their ideal workplace conditions. They will learn about their colleagues’ strengths and wants through group exercises. Ultimately, participants will learn strengths-based techniques for working with colleagues from different generations and with different personality types.
Course Objectives. Participants will be able to:
Identify differences in generational and personality styles.
Identify techniques for working with multiple generations.
Avoid and challenge generational stereotypes and attributory comments that adversely affect employee involvement.
Building a Cross-Generational Collaborative Team
This 4-hour course builds upon participants’ awareness of differences in generational and personality types. Participants will engage in a variety of interactive, hands-on, and fun learning activities that build strategies for working with others despite cross-generational differences. During this course, participants will form collaborative groups, using the framework based on workplace camaraderie and stages for team
Course Objectives. Participants will be able to:
Describe and demonstrate the stages for effective group formation and team development​.
Describe and demonstrate strengths-based techniques for working with colleagues from different generations and with different personality types.
Understanding Suicide and Self-Mutilation
This 8-hour course will provide an in-depth exploration into suicide and self-mutilation in probation and corrections. Participants will learn about the indicators (signs and symptoms) of self-mutilation and suicide through a series of small and large group learning activities. They will learn about and practice the application of interventions for decreasing the incidences of self-mutilation and suicide.
Course Objectives. Participants will be able to:
Define and differentiate self-mutilation from suicidal gestures.
Identify interventions for decreasing the incidence of self-mutilation and suicide.
ADA Requirements and implications for Title 15 and PREA
This course will provide an interactive exploration into the accommodations and modifications afforded to inmates that are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Participants will learn about their legal obligations that are delineated by the 504 section and Title II of the ADA. They will also learn about required modifications to Title 15 and PREA. This eight-hour training course is vital for ensuring compliance with ADA regulations and avoiding honest mistakes that can result in litigation. The information learned in this course is transferable to other positions in and outside of law enforcement.
Course Objectives. Participants will be able to:
Describe accommodations that are required for disabled inmates under the revised Title II regulations.
Identify program modifications to maintain compliance with the 504 section of the ADA.
Achieving Your Peak Potential in Toxic Stress Environments
Corrections Officers face unique stressors in the incarceration facilities. They are responsible for the care and safety of inmates and facilities while adhering to local, state, and federal laws. The high exposure to physical, mental, and emotional traumas result in abnormal levels of toxic stress. This course will teach Corrections Officers how to manage the demands, expectations, and toxic stress of this unique position where isolation, depression, burnout, and self-harm are realities.
Course Objectives. Participants will be able to:
Identify sources of toxic stress.
Learn how to shift from hyperarousal acute stress responses to executive critical responses.
Learn resiliency techniques to avoid personal burnout.
Leadership and Management Strategies in Toxic Stress Environments
Supervisors in incarceration facilities face all the traditional stressors of management as well as the unique stressors in jails. They are responsible for the care and safety of inmates, correctional staff, and facilities while also ensuring compliance with local, state, and federal laws. They often find themselves snared in a vice between demands from inmates and correctional staff below and management from above; thus, they are exposed to abnormal levels of toxic stress. This course will teach supervisors how to manage the demands, expectations, and toxic stress of this unique leadership role where isolation, depression, burnout, and self harm are realities.
Course Objectives. Participants will be able to:
Identify sources of toxic stress.
Learn new skills for leadership in a toxic stress environment.
Learn resiliency techniques to avoid personal burnout.